Web3, DApps, and Cloudflare IPFS and Ethereum Gateways

Syndicated blog from humairahmed.com.

One of the interesting areas I’ve been reading-up and working on past few months has been Web3. Web3 can be viewed as a new iteration of the Web incorporating technologies that exhibit characteristics of decentralization, trustlessness, immutability, inherent verification, while also providing transparency. Additionally, Web3 moves away from the aspect of a single entity controlling user data such as we’ve see in the current Web 2.0 model. That’s a mouthful, and I’ll briefly explain some more below and also follow-up with an additional blog post going into more details when time is more on my side :-). Continue reading “Web3, DApps, and Cloudflare IPFS and Ethereum Gateways”

Nutanix HCI Now on Public Cloud

Nutanix Clusters on AWS

Nutanix hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is now officially available on public cloud. Similar to what customers do on-premises, they can now also deploy the full Nutanix stack on public cloud. At GA, AWS is supported and Nutanix Clusters can be deployed on the AWS Cloud globally – 20 regions, 61 availability zones and counting. Super cool. In this short post, I walk through why this is important and what it looks like. Continue reading “Nutanix HCI Now on Public Cloud”